Making PowerPoint Presentation
- Make a short, concise, clear, and interesting presentation material
- We encourage you to limit the material to 10 slides that contains cover-brief Introduction- methods-results-conclusions-acknowledgment
- Please use the 3rd ASIC PPT template to prepare the presentation for uniformity during the conference. See the link on LoA or our website:
- Before submitting, name your file in the following order: ID LoA abstract_your last name_institution, for example: 57_Hayati_Universitas Andalas
- Upload your file no later than 15 August 2024
Making Poster
- Create your own poster with the following structure: title, author(s), affiliation, abstract, introduction, method, results, conclusion, acknowledgement.
- The poster is presented in an X Banner measuring 60 x 160 cm with a standing banner, such as roll up or stick (provided by the presenter).
- You should bring your X banner when attending and re-registering the conference in person
Presenter Online
- Join using the background zoom provided by the committee according to the correct schedule. See on website:
- Rename your zoom with format: ID LoA abstract_your last name_institution, for example: 57_Hayati_Universitas Andalas
- The duration of the presentation should be 5-7 minutes only. If it exceeds this time, the committee will stop you directly
- Make sure the internet signal in your area is good when the presentation is done, and you are in a quiet and well-lit place.
- The duration of the QnA should be 3-5 minutes only. Answer the question from audience accurately and briefly
Presenter Offline
- Book a hotel room at corporate rates ( Mention your LoA number to the CP.
- Select preferred transportation (
- Re-register on the 1st day of the conference. Check out the conference book
- Attend plenary and parallel sessions during the 2-day agenda to get a certificate as a participant.
- For oral presenter:
- Present the material according to the correct schedule. Check out the conference book.
- Presentations should be only 5-7 minutes long. If exceed this time, the committee will immediately stop you.
- The QnA session should be only 3-5 minutes. Answer questions from the audience accurately and concisely.
- For poster presenter:
- Presenter must stand close to their poster during the assessment, according to the correct schedule
- Present the poster for 2-3 minutes long
- The QnA session should be only 1 minute. Answer questions from assessor accurately and concisely
Non-Presenter Online
- Join using the background zoom provided by the committee according to the correct schedule. See on website:
- Rename your zoom with format: ID LoA/Receipt_your last name_institution, for example: 20NP_Putri_Universitas Andalas
- Make sure the internet signal in your area is good when the presentation is done, and you are in a quiet and well-lit place.
- Attend plenary and parallel sessions during the 2-day agenda to get a certificate as a participant.
Non-Presenter Offline
- Book a hotel room at corporate rates ( Mention your LoA number to the CP.
- Select preferred transportation (
- Re-register on the 1st day of the conference. Check out the conference book
- Attend plenary and parallel sessions during the 2-day agenda to get a certificate as a participant.
- Present the material according to the correct schedule. Check out the conference book.